A Tribute to American War Veterans
If you know any veterans, please thank them for their sacrifice. You will be surprised how saying “thank you” can make a difference.
If you know any veterans, please thank them for their sacrifice. You will be surprised how saying “thank you” can make a difference.
Don’t worry about the one person who tells you that you are different. Mesh with the people who accept you for who you are.
Keep in mind that you must let yourself embrace whatever emotions the loss brings out in you.
We have become so dependent on our technology that we often don’t keep traditional maps in our vehicles anymore.
Our oldest son thought that just because we had checks in the checkbook, we had money.
The beauty of a schedule is that it allows you to tell your time what to do instead of the other way around.
Being conscientious in your work is great, but don’t do it at the expense of your health.
Humans are designed to want to fit in, to belong somewhere, and to have people care about them.
What is it about boundaries that often causes friction or discomfort in daily life?
Although work situations are much different now, it is still easy for people to fall into working way too many hours and still feel as if they are not free.