Being a Big Fish in a Little Sea
If we keep ourselves in an enclosed environment, we will never know our true capabilities.
If we keep ourselves in an enclosed environment, we will never know our true capabilities.
When you feel you are hitting your limit, step back and take a break.
The best way to change your reaction to any situation is to keep a positive attitude.
If your circumstances allow for calm reflection, be sure to use logic to balance out the instinct and make sound decisions. Instinct is meant to be a tool.
This coming year, as the slate becomes brand new, I’ve resolved not to make any pesky New Year’s resolutions.
Don’t worry about the one person who tells you that you are different. Mesh with the people who accept you for who you are.
Resilience can be defined as the action and outcome of successfully dealing with and adapting to difficult life experiences.
Keep in mind that you must let yourself embrace whatever emotions the loss brings out in you.
We have become so dependent on our technology that we often don’t keep traditional maps in our vehicles anymore.
Our oldest son thought that just because we had checks in the checkbook, we had money.