September, a Stadium, and Your Smile
The world is negative by nature. Let’s interject a bit of optimism, “wear a cheerful countenance at all times, and give every living creature you meet a smile.”
The world is negative by nature. Let’s interject a bit of optimism, “wear a cheerful countenance at all times, and give every living creature you meet a smile.”
I hope this week has been good to you. As you know, with this time of year comes FOOTBALL TIME in Tennessee.
Although they were talking about fast food, the message is still valid in broader way…
No matter what new beginning may pop up in your life, I hope you face it with your head held high and a determination to do your best.
I must admit that when I read the negative review, it just about killed me. Then I put it into perspective…
Any time you think something is off-kilter within your body, you need to listen to yourself. It is better to go to the doctor and find out it’s nothing than to ignore the issue and later realize it’s serious.
The next few weeks will be a great time to reconnect with your friends who were not easy to communicate with during the summer. It is also a wonderful time to meet new people.
As the new school year begins, whether you are in high school or will pursue higher learning in a trade school, community college, or university, don’t be afraid to make time to do something fun.
Dating is how you get to know different types of people to see if they are compatible with you. So, don’t think you must have all of the answers now.
Yes, It’s Perfectly OK to Have Relationship Questions Read More »
Murphy’s Law definitely contains an element of truth. How you respond to situations that are not ideal (and certainly not planned) will determine how you get through them.